This is the opening screen. It is vibrant and looks visually exciting. This would appeal to the age group 7-9. I have added sound effects to make the game more exciting and appealing to the target audience.

Once the user clicks play, an animation starts to play to start the story off, this works well as the user finds out why Molly is moving house, and what the aim of the game is.
Then the rules are explained so that everyone knows what they have got to do. I think this is a good idea as the player instantly feels part of the game.

Throughout the game you are faced with a series of questions, your mood will change depending on your answer. If you answer a question correct your mood will increase +1, if you get a question wrong your mood will go down -1.
If you help a friend you will gain a friend and if you decide not to you wont gain one.
Therefore you need to make everyone happy if you want to be prom queen.

Once you have completed a day, you are then moved onto the next level.